Politics, politics and more politics. We all wait to see Tuesday night's election results. But what about the other happenings in politics?
At the AT&T Discovery Plaza in Downtown Dallas, there is a large group of what appears to have become QAnon believers. Popular QAnon theory is that JFK Jr., the Kennedy family's president, will make a major announcement at Dealey Plaza near the grassy knoll tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/8L0Lw09wH7 steven monacelli (@stevanzetti) November 2, 2021
It was Monday night. It was Monday night.
They showed up Tuesday as promised
12 minutes until the big reveal pic.twitter.com/poTaNBS5gp steven monacelli (@stevanzetti) November 2, 2021
Answering your questions: Those Xs are believed to be where John F. Kennedy was shot as he rode in a motorcade along with his wife, the Texas Governor. John Connally, 1963. According to Steven Monacelli's Twitter DM, although none of the Q believers he spoke with would give any details about how they expect [JFK] Jr. to show up, the group did appear to be gathered along the roadside as if they were expecting a motorcade to arrive. (Here is a page that contains more Monacellis' work. For the record, it appears that the group dispersed without Kennedy sightings.
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Are we having fun with the wackos who waited for a deceased person to come forward in a way that would recreate his father's death? Yes. Yes. It's not true! There are many Republican candidates and legislators across the country who seek offices that would allow them to participate in election administration and count votes. Many political observers believe that the country's voters will elect the party they represent to the presidency in 2022.
It's amazing. I'm going to take my family to the moon.