A Republican congressman who blamed Trump for inciting an insurrection just invested thousands in his new social media company

On December 18, 2019, Larry Bucshon, a Republican Representative from Indiana, spoke on the House Floor at the US Capitol in Washington. House Television via AP
Larry Bucshon, an Indiana Representative, invested between $1,000-$15,000 in Trump’s new social media venture.

On Jan 7, Trump's "dangerous speech" was blamed by him for inciting insurrection.

Bucshon is joined by far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in being the first to invest into the SPAC.

Republican Rep. Larry Bucshon from Indiana, who unambiguously condemned President Donald Trump's inciting of insurrection just days after it occurred, is now 2nd House Republican to invest into Trump's new social-media venture.

According to the House Clerk's financial disclosures, signed Monday by the Indiana Republican, this shows that he has invested between $1,000 and $15,000 in Digital World Acquisition Corp. This is the SPAC for Trump’s "TRUTH social" media company.

CNBC reported that this is Bucshon's first investment since 2013. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was the first member to make an investment in the company. She spent $15,000 to $50,000 on stock purchases.

This is a remarkable reversal by the Indiana congressman who has been in the House since 2011. Bucshon issued a statement on January 7th blaming Trump's incitement to insurrection.

Bucshon stated at the time that he could not condone the President's dangerous rhetoric. "Words can have meaning, and many of the President’s supporters took him literally, leading to the attempted insurrection."

He stated that he had originally planned to object state electoral votes but changed his mind after storming the Capitol.

He said, "I was willing to join with some of my fellows in objecting to certain state that clearly had electoral process issues or/or questions of concern to further the discussion on a path forward-until now." "Due to these, and the harsh unfounded criticism of Vice President Mike Pence yesterday, I have voted against objections to the Electoral College ballots legally submitted by the States," he said.

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Bucshon would vote against Trump's impeachment for his offense later, saying that a "partisan impeachment of our nation is the last thing that we need at this time - which was why I couldn't support it."

Trump announced last month the launch of TRUE Social, claiming it was a way to "stand against the tyranny and Big Tech". After inciting the rebellion on January 6, Trump was expelled from Twitter and Facebook.

Pre-orders are currently available on Apple's App store. The app will launch this month on an invite-only basis. The app will then be made public in the first quarter 2022.

Trump stated that "we live in a world in which the Taliban have a large presence on Twitter, but your favorite American President is silenced," in his announcement of the launch. Everybody asks me why I don't stand up for Big Tech. We will soon!

Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) will launch the platform. It will merge with Digital World Acquisition Corp. (SPAC), a special purpose acquisition company, to make it public. Greene also invested in this company.

Insider reported that new company's terms prohibit users from doing anything that could "disparage or tarnish the Site"

Bucshon's office didn't respond to a request to comment about his investment, the reasons he made it and whether he plans to join the new platform once it launches.

Business Insider has the original article.