Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference. (COP26.). Alain Jocard/AFP/Getty Images
Over 1,000 VIPs and staff are being flown by more than 400 private jets to Scotland for the COP26 environmental summit.
The summit was attended by Joe Biden, the US President, and Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder.
According to Transport and Environment Europe, private jets have a "disproportionate effect on the environment."
Hundreds of private jets transport world leaders and business executives to the United Nations' COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Environmentalists are outraged at the impact on the environment caused by this travel.
According to the Sunday Mail in Scotland, more than 400 private aircraft are being expected. They will transport over 1000 VIPs and their staff along to the talks, which are intended to bring together world leaders to take urgent action on climate change.
According to Sunday Mail, Joe Biden, the US president, as well as leaders from Canada, France and Germany, India, Israel, Japan, all traveled via private jet to the climate symposium. British media reported that Jeff Bezos, Amazon's CEO, flew in his $65 million Gulfstream jet.
The Guardian reported that Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, plans to fly a private jet powered by sustainable fuel back to London. According to his official spokesperson, the British news outlet reported that "it is important for the Prime Minister to be able move around the country, and obviously there are significant time constraints."
The International Council on Clean Transportation estimates that commercial aviation accounts for approximately 2% of global carbon emissions. However, this number will triple by 2050.
Transport and Environment Europe claims that private jets have a "disproportionate effect on the environment." In a May 2021 report, the group found that private aircraft are between five and 14 times more polluting per passenger than commercial airplanes, and 50 times more harmful than trains.
The group's UK policy manager said that private jets were bad for the environment and the worst way to travel. He spoke to Scotland's Sunday Mail. He said that while private jets are highly regarded, it's difficult to avoid the hypocrisy associated with using them while claiming to combat climate change.
Business Insider has the original article.