Amazon has lifted its mandate to fully vaccinat warehouse workers in the US. (via CNBC). According to reports, the company sent a notice to its operations staff announcing that workers who have been vaccinated will no longer be required to wear masks beginning November 2. However, masks may still be required by state or local law.
Amazon will continue to assess its COVID-19 safety measures
The availability of vaccines is universal in the US and the rise in vaccination rates means that we can return to our old mask policy (via CNBC). A spokesperson for Amazon confirmed to The Verge that it will lift its mandated masks for employees who have been vaccinated. She also stressed that Amazon will continue to assess its COVID-19 safety measures and adjust its guidelines in accordance with medical experts and public health officials.
Amazon's mask mandate policy was reinstated in August for both vaccinated workers and those who are not vaccinated. This was in response to the increase in COVID-19 cases. This was just a few months after Amazon had stopped requiring facial covers for vaccinated workers. As vaccines become more widely available, Amazon appears to be gradually relaxing its safety guidelines for employees. Amazon stopped offering COVID-19 testing on-site in July. Corporate workers will be returning to work in the early 2022.