Rep. Adam Schiff (D. CA) speaks at a news conference held September 21, 2021. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images
Schiff, in a Daily Beast interview, blasted the "MTGs" who continue pushing Trump's false election claims.
California Democrat: "They are not stupid." They know exactly what they are doing.
Schiff stated that Republicans are still afraid of possible primary challenges from their party.
Rep. Adam Schiff is the prominent chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He stated that Marjorie Taylor Greene, the controversial GOP Rep., and other like-minded lawmakers who back former President Donald Trump’s debunked election theories, are not playing politics and are "legitimately nuts."
Schiff reflected on the state and nation during an episode of "The New Abnormal", featuring Molly JongFast as editor. He criticized "people running around in the country still pushing The Big Lie" while they try to get elected officials out of the country.
"Are they pretending they are crazy or are their real thoughts crazy?" Jong-Fast questioned Schiff.
He stated that he believes the MTGs are nuts. However, most of the Republican conference pushing the Big Lie knows it's a big lie. They're not stupid. They know exactly how they are doing it. They are not afraid of Donald Trump and will capitulate to him because they fear losing the primary.
"For every Liz Cheney there are at least five who will say, 'If I'm not willing to push The Big Lie, I'll volunteer. My ambition is what's most important to me. If that means taking down one of our democratic pillars, then I'm all for it. He added that "sadly, this is where most Republicans are right now."
After repeatedly criticizing Trump's unsubstantiated election claims and saying that they only served to "undermine democracy," Cheney, a conservative Republican from Wyoming, was forced out of the House GOP leadership.
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Schiff is a member the Jan. 6, select committee, which is charged with investigating the insurrection fueled pro-Trump rioters who wanted stop the certification of President Joe Biden's 306-232 Electoral College victory.
A Democratic lawmaker also attacked former Trump White House chief strategy strategist Steve Bannon, saying that he had defied a subpoena. He said that the GOP had "become an cult."
Bannon was arrested earlier this month for violating the subpoena.
He said, "A man runs for president with a platform of building Mexico's wall." It's a ridiculous idea. He is elected president. He doesn't build the wall, because Mexico won't pay him. Then his friends, including Mr. Bannon raise money from their own supporters to purportedly construct a wall and then steal it. He then pardons them for their theft from his people.
He said, "It's probably the most consummate den for thieves and crooks imaginable."
Business Insider has the original article.