After a weekend of delays and cancellations, American Airlines cancelled nearly 700 flights Sunday morning.
The airline has cancelled more than 1,500 flights since Friday because of inclement weather.
American Airlines also delayed almost 900 flights in the span of the weekend.
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American Airlines cancelled hundreds of more flights Sunday, completing a weekend filled with cancellations and delays due to inclement weather.
A spokesperson for American Airline told Insider that nearly 900 American Airlines flights had been delayed since Friday morning and that more than 1,500 flights had been cancelled since Friday. This represents approximately 9% of all airline flights.
FlightAware reports that the airline cancelled 688 flights on Sunday morning. This is 25% of the total flights it had canceled. Additional 116 flights were delayed. The tracker reported that there were 543 cancellations on Saturday and 434 delays by the airline.
American Airlines Chief Operating Officer David Seymour sent a note to staff on Saturday, which was shared with Insider. He stated that the cancellations and delays were caused by high winds gusts up to 50 mph on Thursday, which reduced the capacity at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. This is the largest hub of the airline.
The weather caused crew members to be shuffled from their usual schedules and flight sequences. This made many ineligible for their next flights, and set off a series delays.
Seymour explained in the letter that to ensure we take care of our customers, and provide scheduling certainty for our crews we have modified our operation for the past few days by proactive cancelling some flights. We are taking this action to minimize inconveniences as much as we can. We apologize for making these changes.
Seymour stated that as the airline prepares to enter the busy holiday season, the "good news" is that it has increased its staffing. This includes an estimated 1,800 flight attendants who are on leave starting November 1st and 600 additional hires that will be joining the team by December 31st.