Lets Go Brandon is the new Republican code-meme that means screw the President. It began at Talladega Speedway on October 2, when NASCAR driver Brandon Brown started to race. He won the race and was being interviewed on NBC by a reporter. When he won, the crowd was chanting F- Joe Biden behind him.
Lets Go Brandon now has the same meaning as the NASCAR crowd intended. Florida Representative Jeff Duncan used the Lets Go Brandon mask to address the Capitol. It was retweeted and retweeted from Mitch McConnells press Secretary.
It's now a thing. A Southwest Airlines pilot called Lets Go Brandon his end of the welcome on board announcement. He was on a Friday morning flight between Houston and Albuquerque. Some passengers responded with audible gasps.
Southwest Airlines says
[Southwest] is proud to provide a comfortable, welcoming, and respectful environment. Any individual who is divisive, offensive, or threatening is not tolerated.
A reporter from the Associated Press was on the flight and nearly got kicked out of the plane to get comment from the pilot. While she was working on a story on the Lets Go Brandon meme, she points out that Trump used to sell vodka and steaks.
A $45 T-shirt with Lets Go Brandon printed above an American Flag. Supporters can send one message: #FJB, or LETS GO BRANDON! Trump would like you to wear our ICONIC shirt.
A passenger had American Airlines page Lets Go Brandon recently.
Someone has just paged Let's Go Brandon @ Chicago O'Hare. pic.twitter.com/BrUK2TuzJF Brick Suit (@Brick_Suit) October 8, 2021
Five years ago, a United Airlines pilot declared that politics must be kept off the plane. Passengers cheered. No matter what your opinions are about the President of the United States or silly memes, there are certain places that we need to be left alone. You can't escape the politics of pilots if you are stuck in a tube.
(HT: @crucker