Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are better than candy corn.
CandyStore.com ranks the top Halloween candy in America every year. You can see that the company supplies bulk candy to all retailers across the country. It has been analyzing sweet sales data from over 17,000 customers over 14 years to find the most popular candy, which can spread joy and cavities across the nation and which pieces might be the best for your home.
According to the National Retail Federation, Halloween 2021 will be a great holiday for candy sellers and retailers. Consumer spending on Halloween-related products is expected to reach $10.14 billion in this year's fiscal year. This includes $3 billion in candy sales. The National Confectioners Association expects that sales of candy and chocolate will increase by 60% in 2019 compared to 2019.
Related: Americans don't fear Halloween spending money
What is America's top Halloween candy in 2021? Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Cos. HSY, +2.26% are ranked No. 1, Mars Inc.'s Skittles, M&Ms, and Starburst are next, with Hot Tamales (from family-owned Just Born), rounding out the top five.
These are the 10 most loved Halloween candy according to CandyStore.com.
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups Starburst Hot Tamales Starburst Kids Hersheys Kisses Tootsie Pops Candy Corn
Generic candy corn is No. The tri-color sugar kernels are ranked 10th on the most viewed overall list. They were followed by the spongy marshmallow circus peanuts and peanut butter kisses.
These are the 10 worst Halloween candy according to CandyStore.com.
Candy corn Candy corn Circus peanuts Peanut Butter kisses Smarties Necco wafers Mary Janes Tootsie rolls Good & Plenty Black Licorice
The real fun is when the site breaks down the most loved confections by states. This gives a good idea of what trick or treaters are craving, from Alabama (where Starburst reigns supreme) to Wyoming (where people are grabbing Reeses cups).
The Reeses were by far the most loved candy in America, but peanut butter and chocolate chips weren't as popular in individual states. The No. 1 spot was actually taken by chewy, fruit-flavored Starbursts, and Mondelez Internationals, -0.34% Sour Patch Kids. Reeses cups and M&Ms were ranked 1 in 6 states, respectively, followed by Tootsie Rolls TR (-0.66%) in 4 states.
Montana, where Dubble Bubble Gum was the most popular, and Louisiana, which screams for Lemonheads, are two examples of states that have broken the candy mold.
Which state really likes candy corn? Although the candy was not voted the best in any 50 states, it was ranked second in Michigan, New Mexico and third in many other states including Alabama, Maine, New York, New York, Nevada, and Maine.
Below is a map of the 2021 Most Popular Halloween Candy in America by State. You can also play with the interactive here.
The map shows the 2021 America's Favorite Halloween Candy, organized by state. CandyStore.com
Check out these tips from the CDC to have fun and stay safe while trick-or-treating with your family.