Daisy Ridley's first venture into sci-fi? It was pretty good. Next? It's not so good. As the Star Wars actress, she is about to star in Mind Fall.
Deadline has learned that Rey Skywalker will play the role of Ardis Varnado, a character based on a Graham Moore script. Ardis Varnado is a high-end drug dealer. However, memories are the drug of choice in this story. Mind Fall is a story about memories being the most popular drug. People will give up their memories for money, while others pay top dollar to get new memories in their heads. These memories then ostensibly become the owners of their lives. Ardis is ultimately accused of killing one of her clients. When she attempts to solve the case, however, she discovers that not all her memories are her own.
This is a unique twist that explores nostalgia, addiction and other topics in a sci-fi package. Ridley is a natural at being the main character in a scifi movie. The first movie she starred in was Star Wars: The Force awakens. She played Rey, a young scavenger. We learn that Rey is the daughter of Emperor Palpatine. She chooses to follow the light side and defeats her dear granddad.
Although Ridley's performances were strong, the trilogy was mixed. (If only Mind Falls could erase my memories of The Rise of Skywalker), and we don't have much to say about Ridleys other venture into sci-fi, Chaos Walking starring Tom Holland. Although it was well-conceived, the film ended up being very boring even with Doug Liman, Edge of Tomorrow director. Mind Fall has potential, but it could use a little more adult sci-fi. We will have more information soon. The American Film Market currently has the package.
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