Ice Cube says no to a $9M payday because he isn't saying yes to the COVID-19 vaccination.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor and rapper is not playing a role in "Oh Hell No" because he declined producers' requests to do the jab.
Ice Cube is not only giving up his starring role with Jack Black, but also the chance to film in Hawaii. He's also giving up the $9 mil he earned for the flick.
Cube and Jack joined the Sony project in June. Producers reportedly requested that all cast members receive the COVID-19 vaccine shortly thereafter.
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Ice Cube has not spoken out about the vaccine publicly. However, he appears to be taking the pandemic seriously. He donated face covers to an Oklahoma college in August and raised money to support frontline healthcare workers during the outbreak by selling shirts featuring him wearing a mask.
Sony is said to be looking for someone to replace Ice Cube now that the music artist has left.