All iOS users can now Super Follow selected creators on Twitter. This feature was first introduced in September in the US and Canada. It allows users to monetize Twitter accounts and create exclusive content via monthly subscriptions.
Twitter announced Super Follows for the first time in February. It then made it available to selected creators in September. SensorTower reports that subscribers contributed $6,000 within the first two weeks.
Everyone on iOS has the ability to Super Follow selected creators. Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport), October 28, 2021
According to the Super Follows policy, users who are interested in joining Super Follows must meet the minimum requirements. They must be at least 18 years old, have at least 10,000 followers, and have tweeted at most 25 times within the last 30 days. After being accepted, they must tweet at least 25 times per 30 days.
After in-app purchase fees, users can earn up to 97 per cent of their Super Follows subscription revenue. Twitter takes 3 percent. If a user makes $50,000, they can make up to 80 per cent of their revenue, with Twitter taking 3 percent.
Super Followers should have access to bonus content, and badges that can be easily identified.
Twitter claims it will include Android and web users as part of its Super Follows expansion.