Ryan Pressly, Houston Astros' closer, is currently warming up in the...arm barn? What are you waiting for?
PETA would have PETA's way and those words would be spoken at the World Series. PETA is asking the MLB to cease using the term "bullpen", which refers to the area where pitchers warm up.
PETA released a statement Thursday explaining its position. It stated that "bullpen" was insensitive to cows. According to the org. To avoid this issue, baseball should use an "arm barn".
Tracy Reiman, PETA executive, stated that words matter and that baseball's 'bullpens’ devalue talented players and mocked the misery and suffering of sensitive animals.
The org. The org.
PETA stated that "remove the term 'bullpen', which refers to the holding area where terrified bulls can be kept before slaughter," and "in favor" of a more animal-friendly term.
It seems unlikely that baseball will make it happen. The term has been used for over 100 years. But, you gotta admit, the name "arm barn" is quite catchy.