Ruben Gnanalingam and Tony Fernandes took over QPR 2011
Ruben Gnanalingam, majority shareholder of QPR, said that QPR is looking into potential options for a new stadium in the borough outside Hammersmith & Fulham.
Rangers claim that the council has not supported a move to the Linford Christie Stadium site.
We are currently exploring potential sites in neighboring boroughs.
Gnanalingam stated that "we might have to look elsewhere in order to find other spaces that are more viable – and this is what we are currently looking at."
It's difficult to deal with this borough.
"It's hard for people in this borough to believe that this is something they want, even though we think there can be a lot more income and jobs."
Hammersmith & Fulham Council responded that QPR had not been in contact with "any plans or substance" for over two years and said they were "willing to bend backwards" in order to help the Championship club.
A spokesperson for QPR stated that they had told QPR that it could not gift public land worth hundreds of millions of pounds to QPR's multimillionaire overseas owners. External-link
"We suggested to QPR that they consider a fan-based ownership structure for the club if they are serious about any site within the borough that they require financial assistance with. This would ensure that the club benefits, and not the owners."
QPR's owners want to move out of Loftus Road, the Kiyan Prince Foundation Stadium that was the club's home for the majority of the past 104 year.
Linford Christie Stadium is the Rangers' last chance to find a new home in the borough.
However, the hopes of building a new ground have waned and Gnanalingam admits that the club is unlikely to move within the next decade.
He said, "Within a radius of two miles is really what we are looking at."
"We can't go south so we try to find what we can.
"We are scanning. Are we speaking to people? Yes. It does not look possible in the next ten years. To be honest, I think it's going be difficult.
"Number 1 is trying to find a site. Then you have to get people to agree to your ideas. Planning permission in this country is a mystery for most people so it would likely take five years."