A movement is underway to end the shame that small penises bring on those who have them... and it's growing.
Los Angeles hosted the "Small Dong March", where throngs of people marched to end stigmatization surrounding tiny members.
You can see that people made a lot of humorous signs to prove their point. Click through the gallery to see some of these creative signs.
YouTube's YouTube stars Chad & JT created the Small Dong March. They are the surfer brothers who pitched the San Clemente City Council for a 12-foot tall Paul Walker statue.
The march did not include everyone, despite the many chants that can be heard on video echoing down streets.
According to our sources, attendees didn't have to bring a penis but they could be an ally.
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The Small Dong March marks the latest step in the campaign to end small penis shame. Organizers previously hosted a small dog art show.