It is part of the Taiwan Ironman project.
Military Super Suit
Taiwan claims it has created a battery-powered exoskeleton suit to allow soldiers to run faster, lift heavy objects and more easily.
According to The South China Morning Post, the first-generation suit was designed by the nation's leading weapons manufacturer, The National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology. This suit is part of the Taiwan Ironman project, which cost $5.74 million. It was designed to provide Taiwanese soldiers with a lower-body exoskeleton that will improve their endurance and strength.
Jen Kuo-kuang (head developer of the project) stated that the powered suit was being developed to reduce fatigue in soldiers who carry heavy equipment. This was in 2020.
Super Strength
Jen explained to reporters that the suit reduces strain on the hip and leg joints. It allows the wearer to lift heavier objects and move at speeds of up to four miles an hour.
Jen stated that they can be used in field operations, the movement of ammunition, heavy-duty weapons and can improve the efficiency of troops in wartime or post-disaster rescue missions.
Taiwan is currently working on a version 2.0 for the suit. It claims that it will allow users to lift up to 220 lbs. Jen said that this could help in moving injured soldiers during combat.
Battle of the Exoskeletons
All this is happening against the backdrop of increasing tensions between Taiwanese mainland China who still consider the island its territory. Despite US official statements calling for peace, China launched a series of warplanes into Taiwanese skies earlier this month.
China's Peoples Liberation Army unveiled a similar suit earlier this year for its soldiers. Two warring nations might have soldiers fighting in exoskeletons, which would be pretty cool, even if it was not also darkly apocalyptic.
READ MORE: Taiwan makes an ironman suit to reduce fatigue for soldiers on the ground during wartime [The South China Morning Post]
You can find out more about exoskeletons by watching the robot exoskeleton help people without legs walk upright
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