Two shots, three weeks apart, may be available to children aged 5-11 years old for the Pfizer BioNTech Covid vaccine. The dose for children under 12 years old is the same as that given to adults. However, they will get 10 micrograms per dose. This is one-third of what a 12-year-old would receive.
Parents of 11-year olds nearing 12 have been confused by this. Do you prefer to wait for the bigger dose? Is it better to take the smaller dose immediately? Is it important to consider the child's height or weight?
Experts in infectious diseases and immunology agreed that the appropriate dose is determined by a child's age, not their size. If your 11-year old can get the shot in November, then do it immediately.
They said that the virus won't disappear soon. Different variants of the virus could make it more dangerous or infective, according to Donna L. Farber, professor of microbiology and immunology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.