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According to Princeton University and University of Queensland researchers, carbon capture and storage (CCS), would require urgent investment and policy support to reach the global decarbonisation goals.
Dr. Joe Lane was the study's principal author. He said that CCS was considered a key technology to reduce energy and industrial sector emissions, and for achieving negative emission when combined with bioenergy and direct air capture carbon dioxide.
Dr. Lane stated that most scenarios of deep decarbonization of our global economy depend on CCS at a large scale to comply with the Paris Agreement. This means that between three and twenty gigatons of CO2 per year will be captured and stored worldwide by 2050.
"Even lower targets suggest a very challenging pace and scale for CCS deployment across all major countries."
Andrew Garnett, Director of the UQ Centre for Natural Gas, stated that more information is required globally to meet such high expectations.
Professor Garnett stated, "These scenarios assume that there is more storage volume in porous geological reservoirs around the globe."
"But, the essence of our abatement challenge does not lie in the amount of storage available. It's the rate at CO 2 can safely be injected and stored that matters.
"We don't have enough data to show that we understand how injection rates can be sustained in key areas.
Princeton University Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Chris Greig from the Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment said that the uncertainty in storage created a problem for CCS ambitions.
Dr. Greig stated that "the characterization work necessary to build confidence in storage capacity relies upon mobilizing tens or billions of dollars worth of risk capital over the next ten years."
These capabilities are currently in the oil and natural gas sector.
"Storage developers must be certain that the capture projects will be built before they enter into long-term storage contracts. This is essential for the required investment.
"At the exact same time, investors will remain prudent until there is a high degree of confidence that cost-effective storage capacities will be available."
Dr. Lane stated that strategic planning is essential if carbon dioxide storage is going to play a significant role in decarbonising key industries and the developing world.
Continue exploring. If we want to reach 1.5 C climate targets, natural gas use will decrease.
More information: Joe Lane and colleagues, Uncertain storage prospects create conundrums for carbon capture, storage ambitions, Nature Climate Change (2021). Journal information: Nature Climate Change Joe Lane and colleagues, Uncertain storage prospects create conundrums for carbon capture, storage ambitions (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41558-021-01175-7