Although astronomers have seen young planets before with ease, it is rare to see them so young. CBS News reports that 2M0437b was discovered by a University of Hawaii team. It is one of the youngest known planets at "just" several million years old. The Taurus Cloud "nursery", where the baby planet was discovered, is young enough to still emit lava-like heat since its birth.
This is a rare opportunity to observe a newborn world. While special optics will be required to compensate for Earth’s atmosphere, researchers won’t need to use the host star or any other tricks to study this planet. The distance between 2M0437b and its star is approximately one hundred times greater than Earth's distance from the Sun. This helps to reduce interference.
The Subaru Telescope was used to first spot the planet in 2018. However, the scientists continued to use the Keck Observatory and other Hawaii telescopes for three years to continue to track it and confirm that it was linked to its host.
Future observations may shed more light on the formation of planets. You might be able to find more information in a short time. The James Webb Space Telescope, which is expected to be launched in the near future, was expected to help detect atmospheric gasses and new moon formations. It could prove to be even more significant in the future, as important as 2M0437b is now.