Christopher Sacco was fighting with a large fish. He thought so. He had already lost it once, and he didn't want to lose it again. He realized that he had caught the catch of his life when he reeled in the line.
It wasn't even a fish. It was an abandoned gun.
Sacco, 35 years old, was fishing from Fort De Soto Park's shores before noon Saturday when he found a Publix plastic bag. The bag contained a black revolver with a rock attached by red and white twine.
Sacco said, "You have to be kidding me," to his friend. Saccos friend looked at him. He said, "I found a gun."
Sacco looked at him as if he was serious. Bro, I found a freaking weapon.
Sacco called Pinellas County Sheriffs Office in order to report the gun. The Sheriff's Office confirmed that deputies responded at Fort De Soto at 11 :46 am Saturday.
A spokesperson for the Sheriffs Office stated that officers took the gun into their possession and put it in evidence and property.
The weapon was taken into the National Crime Information Center and Florida Crime Information Center. The spokesperson stated that the weapon was also reported to the Florida Crime Information Center and the National Crime Information Center.
Sacco was fishing with his friend near the park's playground. Sacco stated that Fort De Soto was hard hit by Red Tide and that only a few people were there, aside from a few canoers.
Sacco stated that usually there are a lot of people. Imagine if a little child found it.
Sacco stated that the officer who responded to the incident called it a first.
Sacco uploaded a photo of his gun to the Tampa Bay Fishing Club Facebook page.
Born and raised in Tampa since the age of 9, Sacco has never caught anything like Saturday's catch.
He said that it was impossible to catch something like this, such as a gun attached to a brick.