Reports say that a man under house arrest in Italy requested to be held for his freedom from his wife.
According to The Straits Times, the man was a 30-year-old Albanian citizen and was currently under house arrest for drug crimes.
According to authorities, the man could not cope with forced cohabitation with his wife.
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According to reports, a man under house arrest in Italy requested to be jailed to get away from his wife.
According to Il Messagero, the man stated that he couldn't bear it any longer. "The jail is better."
According to The Straits Times, the man was a 30-year-old Albanian citizen who lived in Guidonia Montecelio. He was "no longer capable of coping with the forced cohabitation" with his wife.
According to Italian authorities, "Exasperated by his situation, he preferred escape, spontaneously presenting himself before the Carabinieri and asking to serve his sentence behind bars." Insider reached out to the General Command of the Carabinieri but they did not immediately reply.
According to The Straits Times, the man was under house arrest for drug crimes.
"He lived at home, with his wife and their family. Ferrante stated that it wasn't working out anymore. Ferrante said that Ferrante told him, "Listen, my domestic situation has turned into hell. I don't want to do it anymore. I want to go prison."
Il Messagero reported that the man was taken into custody after he asked to be released from his house arrest.