After a series of disturbing fights that broke out over the course a week, a coalition of concerned fathers intervened at their local high-school to ensure safety for the children.
"Dads On Duty" is the name of the watch group -- about 40 papa bears from Shreveport, LA... whose children attend Southwood High School. Last month, there were nearly two dozen students arrested in three days.
DADS ON DUTY: Parents were shocked by the violence at their high school in Louisiana. A group of dads decided not only to support their children, but also to maintain a positive atmosphere. More information is available at @SteveHartmanCBS pic.twitter.com/Uux3qx48sd CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) October 22, 2021 @CBSEveningNews
These fathers decided it was time for them to step in and help stop more violence after witnessing so many brawls within a very short time frame.
The effort seems to be working so far. CBS reports that there have been no incidents since September, and students confess to the fact that their dads help deter bad behavior.
One student said that the "look" dad might give their child can have a positive effect on other children. The mere presence of father figures in the area seems to have a significant impact on Southwood's sense of safety. These guys are great at joking and making sure everyone arrives on time, even when there is tension.
"Dads On Duty" breaks down their campus time into shifts that work well for everyone -- their reasoning was to say, "Nobody knows how to manage our own children as well as us." So why not get in on the ground floor?
I applaud Dads on Duty at Southwood high school in Shreveport. We can make a difference when we welcome men to our schools and offer them meaningful ways to get involved. https://t.co/lvh7a1DhiZ pic.twitter.com/FmjZ6yEDD7 Dr. Duke Bradley, III (@dukebradley_III) October 23, 2021 @dukebradley_III
They believe that having strong male role models around students is a huge benefit for those kids who might not have any fathers.