Live and Lets Fly covers a lot in-flight misbehavior, but I don't think I have ever seen anything more traumatic than the incident where a Frontier Airlines flight attendant was cursed at, then apparently left after the flight. This man needs to be held accountable for his abominable actions.
Violent Thug Needs To Face Justice After Horrible Rant On Frontier Airlines
Let's start with a little bit about airplanes and masks. It doesn't matter if you don't like masks, or think they are ineffective. It doesn't matter to me. They are not my favorite. No matter what your opinion is on their effectiveness, they are mandatory for all airline tickets. It's part of the deal. Dont like it? Walk.
I am looking forward to the day that we don't have to wear masks aboard, and you can too. The whole thing seems like a mindless charade because I see so many useless, loosely-fitting cloth masks. It doesn't matter. It doesn't. It doesn't. It doesn't. If it chooses, an airline can make passengers wear masks. If the airline does this, you can choose to abide by it or seek another route.
This leads us to Frontier Airlines' flight. Reddit video shows a man threatening a Frontier Airlines flight attendant with a series of profanities.
Can anyone defend this thug This is the deranged, depraved and petulant behavior of a little man.
This is the sad part. The man apparently wasn't arrested. The passenger who uploaded the videos was asked about his experiences and replied that he knew the cops had spoken to him at landing, but then saw him heading to baggage claim just a few minutes later.
His actions do not warrant a scolding. This thug should face a $50,000 fine plus jail time for his threat to a crew member. Watch the video. He threatens to harm the flight attendant with his obscenity and language. It's all recorded. It is available for us all to see.
Is there anyone who recognizes this man? Let's share this video to identify the man responsible for these actions. Flight attendants shouldn't be afraid to fly because they fear passengers who don't respect other people.
One side note: Why would the flight attendant stop another passenger from filming the encounter in the video above? It is clear that the flight attendants weren't in control of the situation, but what should they do when faced with a violent thug like this? This video is a valuable piece of evidence that shows what really happened at the cabin.
A word of advice to the thug. Learn some respect for you loser. Are you a patriot? You are a traitor to the nation, a coward, or a fool. Losers like yourself will cause this country to rot. Do not take advantage of a flight attendant who is trying to do her job.
This incident really upset me. I am sick of people who use vulgar language, because they lack the vocabulary necessary to express themselves properly. If you're out in public, please clean up your teeth and wear a mask if possible. Let's bring this criminal to justice. If you have any information, please reach out to me. If these incidents go unpunished, they will continue.