The Netherlands Forensic Institute claimed it had decrypted Tesla’s highly guarded data storage system.
According to the report, the lab was able obtain unpublished information about Tesla's Autopilot program.
Regulators and lawmakers in the US have criticized Tesla's Autopilot feature for giving drivers false security behind the wheel.
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The Dutch government has claimed that a lab it runs has decrypted Tesla’s highly guarded data storage system. This could prove vital for investigating potentially dangerous accidents.
A report by the Netherlands Forensic Institute, (NFI), released Thursday shows that investigators discovered more information about Tesla's operations and driver assistance systems. It is called Autopilot.
Unseen data were discovered in the NFI's report on vehicle speed, accelerator pedal position and steering wheel angle. According to Francis Hoogendijk (a digital investigator at NFI), the findings are "a wealth of information" for forensic investigators as well as traffic accident analysts. They may also help inform criminal investigations involving fatal injuries or accidents.
Hoogendijk stated in a statement that "it would be great if this data was available more often for the purpose of forensic investigations." "Now that we know the type of data Tesla can provide, some data can now be requested more specifically to find the truth following an accident."
According to the report, NFI claims it has obtained information from Tesla models S and Y. The report explains that NFI was able determine the data stored by the cars and then to work out the registration system of the car.
Tesla may store data for up to a year, depending on how often the car is used. The company's data is encrypted but owners can request their user information, including footage from the vehicle camera, in the event that there is an accident.
Tesla can also request the data remotely. This allows Tesla to fix any malfunctions or improve its product after an accident.
In the US, regulators and lawmakers have criticized Tesla's Autopilot feature. They claim that the name makes drivers believe the cars are autonomous, when in fact they are not. Insider reported that the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), has been investigating the technology after several Teslas with driver-assist Autopilot hit vehicles at first responder scenes.
NFI's report follows Tesla's outpacing Wall Street expectations on Wednesday. Tesla reported 57% year-overyear revenue growth to reach $13.8 Billion in its third quarter. This pushes shares to record heights on Friday, bringing Elon Musk's net worth to $250 billion.
Insider asked Tesla for comment on NFI's discovery, but he did not respond immediately.
Hoogendijk stated that he supports international legislation and regulations that make it easier for car manufacturers to disclose which data they store and how they are monitored. According to NFI's statement,
"My research has ensured that we know which information is currently available in Teslas. Hoogendijk stated that it was time-consuming. It would be great if the car manufacturers made it public in the future.