Martian wind is an otherworldly sound.
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What if you heard one thing new today? How about the sound of wind from Mars?
NASA claims that two microphones on the Perseverance Rover "recorded almost five hours of Martian winds gusts, rover wheel crunching over gravel, and motors whirring while the spacecraft moved its arm," NASA said.
NASA launched an interactive resource that allows listeners access to recordings made millions of miles away from the Red Planet's surface.
You can make it sound even better by listening through headphones
It's subtle but you don't need to be a planet scientist to notice the differences between sounds on Earth, and Mars.
NASA describes the astroacoustics on Mars as follows: "If Mars was your listening place, you would hear a quieter and more muffled version than what you hear on Earth. And you'd have to wait slightly longer before you can hear it."
Baptiste Chide, a planetary scientist, is currently studying audio data at L'Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plantologie. "Martian sounds are very strong, and you can feel them when you wear headphones. Chide believes microphones will be a valuable asset for future Mars and solar system research."
David Gruel is one of the experts who studied the audio of the rover. He says that Mars' unique atmosphere makes wind sound different on Mars. In March, he spoke to Weekend Edition's Lulu GarciaNavarro.
The wind speed in a carbon dioxide environment will be slower than in our air environment. Gruel reports that you may not hear as much screeching in Mars atmosphere as you would in Earth atmosphere. However, you will hear more low-end sounds in Mars atmosphere than here on Earth.
Mars' atmosphere is less dense than Earth's so higher pitch sounds such as whistles or bird calls are almost impossible to hear on Mars.
Martians sounds are so important
NASA's resource allows listeners to compare Earth sounds such as waves breaking on a shore with what they might sound like on Mars.
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To simulate the Earth's sound on Mars, scientists used atmospheric pressure, density, and chemistry.
Space NASA Helicopter has been zipping about on Mars, Paving the Way for Drone Exploration NASA Helicopter has been zipping about on Mars, Paving the Way For Drone Exploration. Listen 3:42 3;42
NASA claims that understanding Mars' sound nature could help scientists identify problems on distant planets. This is similar to how a mechanic might listen to an engine to determine what is wrong.
More discoveries
Since landing on the Red Planet's surface in February, NASA's Perseverance Rover was busy. Perseverance, which is also known as the Martian day, has taken 237 sols to collect over 150,000 images. It has also helped scientists launch the first powered flight test on another planet.