It doesn't matter how long it takes to stretch, the benefits are immense. Our bodies are made of muscles and ligaments, which are meant to be used daily. However, overuse can cause injuries. In addition, no movement could lead to stiff joints, poor posture, or less flexibility.
What are the benefits to stretching? We talk to experts to find out how you can get better sleep and stress relief from stretching.
1. Stress relief
Stress can cause our heart rate to rise and also cause us to tighten our muscles. How can we relieve tension by stretching? "Stretching can relax tight muscles and allow you to slow down and focus on your body," Cristina Chan, personal trainer, creator of F45 Recovery, said. "Moving slowly and intentionally allows you to breathe deeply, observe your surroundings, and pay attention to your self and decompress." You become calmer when your heart rate and breath slow down.
2. Flexibility
Flexibility is not only for yogis or ballet dancers. Stretching every day, or just a few times per week, can help keep your muscles flexible. Stretching helps keep the muscles strong, flexible, and healthy. Ex-professional dancer Natalie Simmonds, now PT for VAHA, said that we need flexibility to maintain a range in motion in our joints. Without it, the muscles become short and tight. When you ask the muscles to do activity, they become weak and inflexible.
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3. Posture
Proper posture can have a profound impact on your body, including nerves, blood flow, and muscles. No one is going to blame us for not being in the right posture, especially if we work at a desk all day. Emma White, a FLY LDN Pilates instructor, suggests that you counteract it by stretching your spine in both the front and back.
White said that sitting down in front of a computer screen can cause discomfort and a muscular imbalance between the front-and back of the body. This happens because the pectoral (chest) muscles begin to shrink and tighten while the back muscles start to lengthen or weaken.
4. Reduce back pain
You may benefit from stretching if you suffer from back pain. White stated that stretching can ease pain by loosening tension in the muscles, increasing blood flow and helping to relieve discomfort. "For upper and mid back stiffness dynamic stretches like the cat-cow and the thread-the needle stretch can be used to gently mobilize and stretch the spine, as well as the surrounding muscles. For lower back pain, the pilates instructor recommended that the Quadratus Lumborum be stretched: "The Quadratus Lumborum is located on the lower side of the spine. It is often tightened and overused due to having to compensate for other stabilizing muscles. You can also check out our article on 10 stretches you should do every day for more ideas.
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5. Better sleep
We all know how important sleep is for our health. Both mentally and physically, we feel more focused and energized when we sleep more. For some, it is difficult to fall asleep. Can stretching before bed be helpful? Stretching as part of yoga can improve sleep quality by reducing mental stimulation. Simmonds said that when you are still or stretch and breathe, sensory overload is replaced by a feeling of slowing down and an ease throughout your body.
6. Prevention of injury
It is possible for injury to cause a disruption in our exercise routines. This can sometimes be weeks or even months. Chan explained that stretching "increases blood supply, oxygen to your muscles, joints, and allow greater nutrient transport, and improves circulation throughout the whole body." Chan also stated that better circulation means a faster recovery and relief from any post-exercise aches.
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7. Prepare the body for exercise
Stretching can help prevent injury and prepare the body for exercise. White says dynamic stretching improves blood flow and can be used to prepare the body to do more intense exercise such as running or cycling. She also explains that stretching can help increase physical performance. "By stretching our muscle, it can increase mobility of the joint, maximizing the muscle's potential to produce more force. Certain muscles, such as the hip flexors, can become tighter and more overused because of repetitive movements like running or cycling. This can be corrected by static stretching after a workout.
8. Mental clarity