Brian Laundrie's autopsy was completed without any answers. His bones will now be sent to an anthropologist for further analysis, TMZ has learned.
Steven Bertolino, a lawyer for the Laundrie family, says that the coroner has just finished and that no cause or matter of death can be identified from his remains. Bertolino states that the next step is to send his bones for examination by an anthropologist.
Parents of Brian Laundrie, fugitive, ventured into Florida's Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park where Fox News Digital saw an officer tell them that law enforcement might have found something. @FoxNews @FoxNewsDigital #gabbypetitio #BrianLaundrie pic.twitter.com/KNo9WZyM5a Laura Ingle NOT Ingraham (@lauraingle) October 20, 2021 @lauraingle
Bertolino says he isn't sure why the anthropologist is involved. However, online studies suggest that experts are called in when the bodies are too advanced in the process of decomposition to determine the cause of death with soft tissue.
We reported that Laundrie's remains had been found on Wednesday along a Florida trail near his notebook and backpack. Thanks to dental records, the FBI was able to positively identify the bones as Brian.
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Investigators believe Brian's body was decomposing for several weeks in that area. The remains were also found in an area that was previously underwater.