It is not often that a company recognizes a union without being forced to. This is usually because they want their workers to have the least rights and lowest pay possible. Paizo Publishing deserves praise for recognizing the workers union it created by its own initiative.
Heres Paizos official Statement (via Polygon), was posted yesterday on their blog.
Paizo is happy to announce that it has recognized the United Paizo Workers union. This union is affiliated with Communications Workers of America (CWA). Jeff Alvarez (Paizo President) stated that the union is eager to work with Paizo to expand and continue our efforts to make Paizo an even better place to do business and ensure that Starfinder and Pathfinder products exceed gamers' expectations for many more years to come.
This is a positive thing. As cool as it may be that Paizo is doing the right thing for its employees now, it hasn't always been so. This is why United Paizo Workers was formed. It is one of the first unions in the tabletop gambling industry. The UPW formed on October 14th. It issued a statement stating that it was attempting to address the inconsistent hiring practices of Paizo, as well as pay inequity throughout the company. They also made allegations of verbal abuse by executives and managers, and harassment allegations which were ignored or not covered up by the top.
We need to reach an agreement with the leadership in order to make major changes at work. We want to raise wages to make them more affordable. That is one of our goals, which is what the UPW announced to its new union. Hey, workers? Unions are great. Increase the number of unions.
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