Kelly Ann Ferraro and Anthony Ferraro had a Maine barbeque-themed wedding.
Kelly Ann Ferraro wore a velvet gown on her first date with Anthony, her blind husband. She wore a tactile dress with woven cotton flowers, lace and velvet on their wedding day.
"I've said she's also my eyes in the world, but for her have a custom-made dress so I could feel it and touch it meant a lot to me," Anthony Ferraro told USA TODAY. He is a Paralympian musician, motivational speaker and musician. I could feel her. "I could feel her beauty."
They met when Anthony was just returning from Judo training, and Kelly Ann had returned from Thailand. Anthony shared his feelings of "an instant connection" with Kelly Ann while they were at Belmar Beach, New Jersey.
Kelly Ann wore a velvet gown on their first date so Anthony could feel what she was wearing. On their wedding day, Kelly Ann wore a tactile gown filled with roses.
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They met at the premiere of Anthony's documentary "A Shot in the Dark," in New York. It chronicles his journey as an athlete and wrestler blind. Kelly Ann had been researching blindness and people who can see some light since meeting Anthony.
She was taught to use bubble wrap and pillows to protect sharp objects. And she discovered that her husband loved soft fabrics and velvet. Kelly Ann turned to Loulette Bride when she was looking for a wedding dress. She wanted woven cotton flowers, velvet waistbands, and soft fabrics such as chiffon, lace, and chiffon.
Kelly Ann was not picky about her wedding dress. However, she wanted fabrics that Anthony could feel and touch.
Kelly Ann shared her experience with USA TODAY, "The entire time I was at the aisle, I was whispering to my husband, 'touch me, touch my gown', and it made my heart so happy to know that he could feel and love my dress as much," Kelly Ann said.
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Anthony stated that Kelly Ann and her mother had planned the wedding keeping him and his comfort at heart. Kelly Ann wrote an email to Anthony in braille before the ceremony. This is a type of written language for people who are blind. The couple were married at a Maine beachfront property. They chose to hold the ceremony during daylight because Anthony can see shadows and light.
Anthony was able to move freely around the tent that served as his reception venue. The metal poles were covered in bubble wrap with decorations.
"It was an incredible experience to have our wedding made accessible to me by her thoughtfulness and hard work. She is truly my best friend, and, as Anthony stated, "my eyes are in the world," Anthony added.
They look forward to growing their social media accounts and spreading positivity and awareness about the blind community. They enjoy traveling together; Anthony loves independence and Kelly Ann loves describing the sights to him.
Anthony stated, "Our story sheds light on joy and unity even for people with disabilities like myself who thought love was impossible." "The world requires more light, and I hope that our story can help to bring some of it."
Kelly Ann Ferraro and Anthony were married in Maine on a property that overlooks the ocean.
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This article first appeared on USA TODAY: A tactile wedding dress is worn by a blind bride who marries her husband