The world faces some of the greatest challenges ever. The past decade has seen a dramatic technological acceleration. However, the last 18 month have witnessed a seismic shift in the way we live, work and connect. These challenges can be solved by both heroic innovation and communal action. We need to rewire our public discourse and how we think. We are pleased to welcome you to RE:WIRED.
Today we are announcing new sessions and speakers for the event which will take place on November 9 and 10. It's a series virtual conversations between technologists, leaders in science and cybersecurity, art, entertainment, and scientists who discuss the impact of technology on society, economy, sustainability, and our future.
Gideon Lichfield, global editor of WIRED, said that WIRED tells the stories about the people who are working on the most difficult problems in the world. Each speaker at RE:WIRED is a great choice. Whether their work ends with success or failure, we can still learn a lot from them.
Re:WIRED speakers include the following:
Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel and founder director of the BU Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy and Research Nahid Bhhadelia on the mRNA mutation.
Director of the BU Centre for Emerging Infectious diseases Policy and Research. Mike Winkelmann (aka Beeple), digital artist, discusses how technology is changing the definition of art.
Beeple, aka Beeple, discusses how technology is changing the definition of art. Timnit Gebru, an independent scholar, on how to speak truth to biased algorithms.
On speaking truth to biased algorithms. Neal Stephenson, science fiction author, on world-building and world-fixing.
On world-building and world-fixing Jen Easterly, Director of the US government’s civilian cyber defense agency Jen Easterly discusses the ransomware epidemic.
Ransomware: the evil devil. John Cho, actor, and Andr Nemec, Cowboy Bebop's showrunner, discuss the transition from anime to live action.
Cowboy Bebop's showrunner, Kai-fu Lee, discusses the transition from anime to live action. Kai-fu Lee, CEO Sinovation Ventures and Yohana Yoky CEO Matsuoka discuss the future of AI.
Register for the event here. Registering attendees will have live access to RE:WIRED content, and the ability to submit questions to speakers.
We hope you can join us!
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