This sky map shows Uranus and the Moon as they appear just after midnight on Oct. 21, 2021. It was taken from mid-orthern latitudes.
This week's full Hunter's Moon will illuminate Uranus's path in the early morning sky. With any luck, you might also see a shooting star while searching for the celestial pair.
Uranus is not one of the five "naked eye" planets. They are bright enough for you to see from Earth, so it's not considered one. If you are able to see Uranus clearly in the night sky, you don't need a telescope or binoculars.
Uranus will spend the next few nights close to the moon. It became full on Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 10:57 AM EDT (1457 GMT). Although the moon will still be quite full, it may not be easy to spot Uranus near by. The full moon will also outshine this week's Orionid meteorshower peak. It may be easier to find because the moon is so close to the planet.
Related: October's brightest planets
Uranus will rise just minutes after the moonrise, and it will be at its highest point in night sky after midnight. According to In-The-Sky.org, Uranus will be at its closest to the moon Thursday 21 October at 6:39 PM EDT (2239 GMT). Skywatchers in the United States will not see Uranus closest to the moon. The best time to spot Uranus with the Moon is between midnight and dawn on Thursday morning.
You'll still have chances to see it Thursday morning if you don't make it. On Friday morning, Uranus will still be visible from Earth. The waning moon is slightly brighter than the night before so it may even be easier to spot.
Uranus will be opposite the moon on Friday, Oct. 22. SkySafari image credit
Uranus will shine at magnitude 5.7, which is slightly brighter than faintest objects visible to those with perfect vision. You won't see Uranus if you live near light pollution, particularly in large cities.
For the best view, go to the darkest area possible at night and look for faint teal specks.
Send Hanneke Weitering an email at hweitering@space.com. Follow her @hannekescience. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @Spacedotcom