An attorney representing Rolovich stated Wednesday that Nick Rolovich, former Washington State coach, will sue the university for illegal termination. This is partly due to "discriminatory, vindictive behavior" of Pat Chun, athletic director.
Washington State fired Rolovich Monday night and four of his assistant coaches after refusing to comply with a mandate requiring all state employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Gov. Jay Inslee had given Monday as the deadline for employees to get vaccinated or to request accommodations and exemptions from their direct supervisors. WSU athletic director Pat Chun said Monday that Rolovich's dismissal is for cause. Chun noted that Rolovich could not fulfill the requirements of his contract which was worth $3 million per year. Rolovich will no longer be paid by the school.
Brian Fahling, a Kenmore, Washington attorney who represents Rolovich, said in a statement that the university had denied Rolovich's request to have a religious exemption based upon his "devout Catholic faith." Chun and WSU president Kirk Schulz did not confirm Monday whether Rolovich's exemption requests were denied. They only said that Rolovich's request to have accommodations met was not possible. All exemption requests were subject to a blind review, in which a panel of two people does not know the names or titles of applicants before making decisions.
Fahling claims Chun told him that he knew Rolovich would be fired in April, four months prior to Inslee's vaccination mandate.
Fahling's statement states that "Chun's animus toward Coach Rolovich’s deeply held religious beliefs, as well as Chun's dishonesty during the past year at the expense Coach Rolovich, are damning." Coach Rolovich and his loved ones have suffered irreparable harm from Chun's discriminatory, vindictive behavior."
Officials from Washington State and Chun did not immediately respond when we asked for their opinion.
Rolovich did not publicly explain the reasons he would not be vaccinated, despite numerous media inquiries during the season. June Jones, his former college basketball coach in Hawaii, informed USA Today that Rolovich had requested an exemption based on religious beliefs. He expressed his disappointment. Pope Francis and other Catholic leaders encouraged Catholics to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Pope Francis called it an "acts of love"
Fahling's statement says, "It is tragic and damning commentary about our culture and more specifically on Chun that Coach Rolovich was derided and demonized, and ultimately fired from the job, merely because he is devout in Catholic faith."
Chun and Schulz said Monday that Rolovich and other coaches understood the mandate and the consequences of not complying. They also spoke out about education regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. Rolovich was currently in his second season as Cougars' head coach.
Chun stated Monday that they have had many conversations dating back several months. "He was firm in his stance, and he had the right to choose. He did not agree to this proclamation by the governor. That is why we are here today.
Fahling claims Washington State is deceitful towards Rolovich, even though the coach had requested an exemption. He mentioned a secret donor trip that Chun made Rolovich go to in July 2020 before COVID-19 vaccines became publicly available. Fahling claimed that Chun and other attendees contracted COVID-19, while Rolovich didn't.
Fahling was reached Wednesday morning by ESPN. He declined to discuss the allegations beyond the statement that Rolovich was taken to his car by university officers and not allowed to address team members.