Donald Trump, the former president, was late to pay tribute to Colin Powell (ex-secretary of state), who died Monday at the age of 84. However, when Trump finally did share his thoughts, he didn't have much to say and instead attacked Powell via an emailed statement.
Trump tweeted Tuesday that it was "wonderful to watch Colin Powell, who made huge mistakes in Iraq and famously, so called weapons of mass destruction," be treated so well by the fake media. Trump then called Powell a "classic Republican, if not that", who was always attacking other Republicans.
"He made many mistakes, but he may rest in peace." Trump's conclusion.
Trump's classless misive was immediately repudiated by critics.
Larry Sabato, political scientist, wrote that Trump's narcissistic, malevolent, and spiteful statement about Gen. Powell will not be defended by any decent human being.
Ron Christie, Republican political strategist, said, "What a disgusting, vile'statement'."
Perhaps MSNBC's Sam Stein and Politico's Sam Stein best captured the outrage at Trump's statement. After all, what else could we have expected?
On Monday, Powell's death was announced to journalists, pundits and high-profile government officials. They paid tributes to Powell and expressed their admiration.
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