Microsoft is currently testing a feature that automatically mutes the sound of your headphones when you plug them in. This solves one of my biggest gripes about playing Xbox games. This feature is being made available to Xbox Insiders via the Alpha Skip-Ahead Ring, meaning it will likely become more widely available in the months ahead.
Your speakers will stay on when you connect headphones to your Xbox controller. This means that if you want the audio to play only in your headphones, then you need to turn down the volume of your speakers. Microsoft has a similar feature in the works for Xbox. The PS5 mutes speaker audio when you plug it in headphones. According to Microsofts blog, the option to atuomatically muffle speaker audio will be available in the revamped Audio Settings menu.
The new Skip-Ahead build includes color blind filters. Microsoft stated in its blog that while some games may use similar filters, the new feature is applicable to all Xbox Series X / S games, movies and apps. It supports multiple types of color blindness and can be adjusted to your liking without affecting performance, screenshots or video clips.