While Wonder Woman is a very important brand for DC, it has been only recently that she's received the same attention as her Trinity brothers Batman and Superman. While those two are able to host their own large-scale crossover events each year, Diana has not had her own since the 1990s. With Trial of the Amazons, that will change in 2022.
DC Fandome announced the upcoming crossover and it will be a power struggle that will define the future of DCs Amazons. Diana has been moving around in various afterlives, hoping that each leap will bring her home. Her mother Hippolyta, the Justice Leagues Wonder Woman, has succeeded her, while Nubias is the new queen of Themyscira. Along with the axe-wielding Artemis, and the current Wonder Girl (and eventual Wonder Woman), Yara Flor, all three women will be key players in the event.
The Wonder Woman writers who wrote the current Wonder Woman books, Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, and Vita Ayala will write Trial. Next week's Nubia & the Amazons miniseries will feature Stephanie Williams and Vita Ayala. Joelle Jones, the Wonder Girl writer, and Wonder Woman Adventures of Young Dianas Jordie Belaire. Before the crossover can begin, the foundation will be laid in Nubia.
Although Trial is being touted as something that will change DC's future, it's nice to see Diana and her supporting cast pushed into the spotlight. It will be a celebration of the characters' 80th birthday and hopefully live up to its hype. This could be the first step towards a video game.
Wonder Woman: The Trial of the Amazons starts in 2022
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