Ivan Polyakov, a member of Syracuse University's quark Physics group, announced this spring that he had discovered the fingerprints of a semimystical particle.
We said, "This is impossible." Sheldon Stone, leader of the group, retorted, "What mistake are you making?"
Polyakov went on his way to double-check his analysis of data taken from the Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment (LHCb). The Syracuse group is a part of this. The evidence was convincing. Contrary to popular belief, it showed that quarks, a specific set of fundamental particles can form a tight clique. The LHCb Collaboration reported the discovery and publication of the composite particle, the double-charm Tetraquark at a July conference. Two papers earlier this month were also published, which are currently undergoing peer review.
Original story reprinted by permission of Quanta Magazine. This independent publication published by the Simons Foundation has an editorially neutral content policy. It aims to increase public understanding of science through the coverage of research developments and trends in mathematics, the physical, and life sciences.
Unexpectedly, the double-charm Tetraquark was discovered. This is a disturbing truth. Although physicists are able to determine the equation that creates the strong force, the fundamental force that binds the quarks together to form the protons, neutrons and other composite particles in the heart of atoms, they can't solve this complex, infinitely iterative equation so they have difficulty predicting the effects of strong forces.
Theorists now have a solid target against whom to test their mathematical tools for estimating the strong force. The main goal of physicists is to improve their approximations. This will allow them to understand quark behavior inside and outside atoms. It also allows them to decipher subtle signs of fundamental particles.
Quark Cartoon
Quarks are so complex that scientists can approach them from two different levels of complexity. They developed the cartoonish quark model in the 1960s to explain how quarks combined in complementary sets of three to create the proton, neutron and other baryon particles. Quarks can also be found in pairs making up different types of meson particles.
Gradually, quantum chromodynamics was developed. The proton was portrayed as a seething mass made up of quarks, gluon particles, and gluon particles. Although experiments have confirmed many aspects QCD, no mathematical techniques are able to systematically unravel its central equation.
The quark model is able to represent the much more complex truth. The model was unable to predict the appearance of the five-quark pentaquarks and tetraquark pentaquarks in the 2000s. Although these exotic particles are most likely QCD-derived, theorists have struggled to explain how for almost 20 years.
Eric Braaten, a particle researcher at Ohio State University, stated that we don't know the pattern. This is embarrassing.
The latest tetraquark increases the mystery.
It was found in the remains of approximately 200 collisions at LHCb, where protons smash into one another 40 million times per second. This gives quarks unlimited opportunities to frolic in every way nature allows. There are six types of quarks, with the heavier ones appearing less often. Two charm-flavored quarks were formed by the 200 collisions. These quarks are heavier than the quarks containing protons, but lighter than the quarks containing protons. The middleweight charm quarks were able to attract one another and rope in two lightweight antiquarks. Polyakovs analysis indicated that the quarks gathered for 12 sextillionths seconds before energy fluctuations produced two more quarks, and the group was split into three mesons.