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You've already sorted your finances and have a capital reserve and an emergency fund. You want to increase your wealth by investing. But how do you start your first investment portfolio.
Experts Lev Alvarado of Suicidando al Godnez, and Liliana Olivares of the YouTube finance channel Adulting shared some tips on how to choose your first assets during their participation in Money Fest 2021.
What is my profile as an investor?
Before you inject your money, it is important to determine your investor profile.
Olivares stated that it has less to do with finances and more to do with self-knowledge. It is your personality and how you view risk.
Expert says it's about asking "What do you want to accomplish with your money?"
What's the purpose of knowing my investor profile information?
Get help for:
Make custom strategies
Make informed decisions
How to choose the best investments
Decide the level of risk that you will take
Effectively reach your goals
Olivares explained that the investor profile requires you to have some knowledge of the tools available, but also to be able to select the right ones for you based on your personality.
How do I determine my investor profile?
Answer honestly
What age are you?
You have stability in your career and work
Marital status
Financial stability and habits
You have financial knowledge and experience
Goals - term and amount (You must begin your first investment with the goal).
The expert said that if you want to invest but have a bad credit record or are in dire need of money, you will be able to choose the right platform for you.
You must first invest your time to become rich. Netflix watching Billions is not enough.
If you're interested: How to invest at Cetes
Types of investor profiles
It's the degree of risk aversion. It can vary by person or goal.
Liliana says that "He's the one saying 'I don’t want to lose you'." "This profile wants its money to grow because it doesn't have exceptional returns."
You don't like risk
Low risk and low returns
Ideal for short-term goals
You prefer safe money and little profit
Objective: Keep your money, but not lose value
You can keep your money safe and not lose value with these investment tools: Fixed income and debt.
The expert said that it is the most popular because it seeks returns but not bankrupting it. This profile is very popular with millennials, as they are able to experiment.
You can get returns with little risk
Ideal for medium-term goals (3 to 5 years).
Balance between returns and risk
Goal: To increase your savings over time
You can increase your savings over time. Ideal investment instruments: Fixed, variable and debt instruments
It is for someone who can handle danger well, who can take bad news well, and who knows how to celebrate positive news.
You are the one who takes on risk
Ideal for long-term goals
Liquidity of money is not required
Objective: To increase equity without regard to risk
Increase equity without risk. Ideal investment tools: Variable and mixed portfolios, debt instruments
Do you know who your investment protection is?
Levi Alvarado discussed the financial companies authorized to handle money during his participation. The expert said that regulation is knowing who to accuse them.
The Mexican financial system, which is all that money is managed in Mexico, is what you need to understand. Alvarado recommends that you only invest in instruments made by companies that will not disappear.
Finance and Public Credit (SHCP: This is the head that determines the financial position of the country.
This is the head who decides how the country's financial system will function. The National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), is the body that authorizes banks and brokerage houses to operate. In Mexico, it is prohibited to gamble without authorization from the commission
It authorizes banks and brokerage houses to operate. In Mexico, it is illegal to gamble without authorization from the National Insurance and Bond Commission (CNSF). Mexico is the only country where you can purchase insurance through an authorized agent.
Mexico's CNSF has authorized agents to sell insurance in Mexico. National Commission of the Retirement Savings System, (Consar),: This is the one responsible for regulating the Afores as well as everything related to retirement savings.
This is the one that regulates all things related to retirement money. National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services, Condusef: This is the PROFECO of all financial service, including banking and stock market.
It is the PROFECO of all financial service, including banking and stock market. The Institute for the Protection of Savings in a Bank(IPAB) protects you for up 400 000 UDIs if you have any savings in a bank. It is important to diversify.
The IPAB covers you up to 400 000 UDIs if you have money in a bank. It is important to diversify. System of the Registry of Financial Service Providers: This system allows you to see which financial companies "have done their job" or are already regulated.
Alvarado stressed that it is not about being against unregulated businesses, but rather, it is about taking a strong risk and knowing that no one will protect you.
Products to invest
There is no one perfect financial instrument. Levi Alvarado stated that each one offers different benefits and can be used at different times.
Low risk but high return
It is possible to invest as low as 100 pesos
Ideal for short-term goals
Instrument of Debt
Terms available from 28 to 364 Days
You can make arrangements for your money in advance
You can order them online
There are no penalties or commissions
These bonds are issued by the government to allow you to lend them money.
Low risk but high return
It is possible to invest as low as 100 pesos
Ideal for short-term goals
Instrument of Debt
They pay interest every six months at a fixed rate from the date you bought the bond.
You can make arrangements for your money in advance
You can order them online
There are no penalties or commissions
It is a very flat savings instrument
Low risk
Fixed and term rates
They are available at any bank. However, the higher the bank is, the lower its interest rate will be.
At least try to give you more than inflation.
If you're interested, here are 10 ways to become a millionaire in 30 days.
Popular Financial Societies (SOFIPOS) are institutions that are more like banks. They are a type of debt instrument and will owe money to you.
Instrument of Debt
Protected by PROSOFIPO (up to 160 KG).
Taxes exempted up to 158K or 5 UMAS
Moderate risk
Examples: Finsos, Kubo Financiero, SuperTasas.com
No matter how educated you are, you will eventually need to learn how to invest. You will need to consult a financial professional.
Tax strategy (be cautious, not evasion).
Carry your numbers
Avoid problems later
Wealth Manager
The best way to manage your cash
Specialized Team
Strategie according to your investor profile
Companies such as Vector, Actinver, and GBM.
Financial advisors
Help you define your investor profile
Provide guidance and investment options
Agent for insurance
Mexico has a strict policy that insurance can only be purchased through an agent
It will assist you in aligning your financial strategy
Projects for the long-term
You can make them as simple or as complex as you like.
Expert manages a bag of many people
It's easy to diversify and gain access to more sophisticated instruments for less money
There are many risks, terms and amounts.
They can also invest in stocks, fibres, or other funds.
They take a commission
You can choose the one that best suits your needs, risk tolerance and financial resources.
Temporary Last 12 Months Very Cheap Not Recoverable
Dotals Fixed time Money is paid at the end the term. Guaranteed performance
Universal Preset minimum time Variable returns Flexible
Which is better? None. Levi explained that it all depends on what your financial goals are and the strategy you use.
These are the people who manage Retirement Funds. You can withdraw this money when you turn 65.
Companies that manage the money we save to retire.
CONSAR regulates
The money can be invested in a variety of funds: fixed and variable income funds; fibers; etc.
Choose the one that offers the greatest net return.
You can save for retirement by adding to your savings with a bank, financial institution or other institution.