In a CNN interview, Sen. Elizabeth Warren attacked Amazon and reiterated her call to end it.
The lawmaker accused the company "smashing small businesses before they ever get foothold."
She cited a Reuters Report that showed Amazon copied products using third-party sellers data.
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Senator Elizabeth Warren criticized Amazon in a CNN Business interview. She accused the retail giant of crushing small businesses, as she intensifies her efforts to dismantle the $1.7 trillion corporation.
Warren is known for being a trustworthy antagonist to big tech and its leaders. She was most recently a target of Amazon's labor problems.
In an interview this week, she redirected her anger at the company's tendency toward monopolization.
Warren stated to CNN that Amazon has the power and uses this power to destroy small businesses before they get a foothold.
She was critical of the website's ability to sell everyday products and control the main platform that people use to buy such products.
You can be either an umpire or a field player. You can't do both. Warren explained to the outlet that Amazon does this. What's the solution? Break Amazon up."
Warren reportedly took particular offense to a recent Reuters investigation which revealed that Amazon had a "systemic campaign in creating knockoffs, manipulating search results" in India to increase its product lines. This was in response to the fact that India is one of its fastest growing markets.
According to the outlet, Amazon copied products from third-party sellers to promote them to customers. The company denied the claims, saying it does not give preferential treatment to any seller on any marketplace or marketplace. It also stressed that its search results display does not favor private-brand products.
Warren, however, doesn't believe that response.
"How did Amazon manage to create a large clothing market?" Warren stated that they had the inside scoop on Indian buyers. Most people view antitrust simply as the market a company operates in. Amazon's success has demonstrated that a company can be dominant in one area, and then leverage it to gain dominance in multiple areas.
Warren reiterated her call to disintegrate the company after the report was published earlier in the week.
Amazon did not immediately reply to Insider's request to comment on Senator's statements.
CNN's She said that Amazon started out as the dominant book delivery company. Then it begins to morph into other products, and becomes the dominant delivery company. It's now like a giant that needs to be fed every hour.