UK doctors have discovered an unusual case in which cancer has been reversed. A woman in her 80s experienced her lung cancer shrinking after she began taking CBD/THC oil daily. Although it is not clear if the oil affected her tumor, doctors believe that cannabis and its main ingredients are worthy of further investigation as a potential treatment for cancer.
CBD oil is made from cannabidiol. It's one of two main compounds in cannabis. These products can also include delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the other major compound thats responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. CBD oil and other similar products are not legal in many parts of the world. The U.S. currently approves only one CBD oil medical use, which is a high-dose CBD version. This is meant to relieve seizure disorder symptoms. However, cannabis and CBD oil can be sold in the majority of the country and in other countries such as the UK.
This patient had been suffering from a persistent cough for several months before she saw a doctor in February 2018. Imaging tests and a biopsy confirmed that she had lung cancer. Although she was a smoker, and had already suffered from lung disease, doctors believed her case could be treated. After lengthy discussions, she decided to decline radiation therapy or surgery. The doctors decided to just monitor her cancer growth with routine imaging tests.
Amazingly, the shrinkage of the woman's cancer began without any intervention from the doctors. They estimated that the size of the cancer had decreased 76% since June 2018's first imaging. After a year of shrinking, doctors spoke with the woman to discuss her results. She revealed that she had been taking three daily doses of CBD oil since June 2018. The woman did not experience any side effects other than a decreased appetite. She also reported that there were no changes in her diet or medications.
The case may show a benefit to CBD oil intake, which could have led to tumor regression, doctors wrote in a report published in BMJ Case Reports.
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For the moment, some outside experts in the UK remain skeptical. Edzard Ernst, a former professor of complementary medicine at Exeter, said that it is difficult to consider case reports to be reliable evidence and that there is no data from clinical trials that would suggest that cannabis products could alter any type of cancer.
Kah Ling Liang Liew, a doctor at The Princess Alexandra Hospital's respiratory department, said that the woman is still breathing and being closely monitored. At her last check-up in this year, the cancer has not returned and is so small that she can't measure it using the scans.
Liew and her coworkers are careful to point out that it is impossible to prove that the shrinkage in cancer was due to Liew's CBD use. They say that they cannot find any other plausible explanation. Although spontaneous regression is a possibility in cancer, it is not known why the tumor shrinks suddenly without treatment. Liew believes that this scenario is unlikely.
She said that we cannot prove causation in this case. But, spontaneous regression is extremely rare in these cases. This case had one difference: CBD oil was inhaled.
Cannabis can be used to treat nausea, chemotherapy side effects and other symptoms associated with radiation and chemotherapy. The team points out that there is research showing the direct effects of CBD and other cannabis cannabinoids on the development and growth of cancer. They also point out that some animal studies suggest that cannabinoids may increase tumor growth. They found a similar case in medical literature where CBD oil helped reduce the tumors of a patient with lung cancer.
According to the supplier of the product, the oil contains equal amounts of CBD and THC in the case. In the other case, however, the patient was taking CBD only. The authors don't know if the additional THC played any role in the woman's recovery. According to the authors, there are still many questions that need to be answered.
Liew stated that CBD/THC should be studied further as a primary or adjunct to cancer treatment. The treatment is minimally invasive. The authors don't believe CBD/THC can cure all forms of cancer. This is because each cancer is different. Liew said that there will not be a single treatment for all types of cancer.
The authors believe that cannabis can help with cancer, but more than the nausea relief it can provide, there is much to be done to make patients aware of any other treatments.
Clinicians should be aware of the possibility that patients are using unlicensed and non-conventional treatments without their knowledge. It is important to discuss treatment options with patients, Liew stated.
The woman is obviously happy for her recovery.
My cancer has decreased by a lot, and I believe it was due to CBD oil. It is very easy to tolerate and I plan to continue this treatment for as long as I can, she shared in a patient perspective.