Donald Trump Scott Olson/Getty Images
On Thursday, former President Donald Trump closed the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), donor retreat in Palm Beach. He gave a private speech that focused mainly on false claims of election fraud and claimed credit for reviving GOP's "dying Party." He also slammed Republican senators who had criticized Trump, and resolved other grievances he has been nursing since losing 2020, if not earlier. The Washington Post quotes a recording of Trump's speech.
The Post reports that Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping extensively and lauded his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, he called his impeachments as well as the investigations into Russia's ties to Russia "all phony sh*t". The Post reports that Trump then "unprompted" brought up the unsubstantiated claim that he had interacted with prostitutes in Moscow prior to his run for President. ... But you know what? Our great first lady, "That one," she stated, "I don't believe this one."
Trump also reverted to his obsession with windmills, criticizing President Biden for his new plan to add offshore wind farms to the U.S. coast and falsely claiming that windmills emit carbon emissions. He stated, "More air goes into the atmosphere than if something was run for 30 years."
The Post reports that Trump's insistence on making the next election about him and his false complaints regarding the 2020 election are what have GOP strategists concerned. Trump's threat to urge Republicans not vote if they don't "solve Presidential Election Fraud of 2020," as Trump stated Wednesday, makes "everyone sweats," a top party strategist told The Post. He was referring to the GOP's 2021 Georgia Senate loss. The NRSC and its House counterpart also use Trump liberally when fundraising, such as at this week’s donor retreat.
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Jonathan Martin, a New York Times political reporter, tweeted that it's one thing for NRSC's to send out fundraising email using Trump's name. "But inviting him at a fundraiser where we discuss golden showers is really maximising the humiliation."
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