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Daily Crunch October 14, 2021: Hello! The news cycle is on Thursday and has spent the day trying not to get sucked into Friday. We have a lot of work ahead. Let's hope it succeeds!
Before we begin, the space event offers discounts for the following day, and our SaaS Confab is getting closer! Alex
TechCrunch Top 3
Microsoft pulls LinkedIn from China: Microsoft today made waves in the technology, regulatory and international domains by announcing that its LinkedIn service would be ending in China. Due to regulatory pressure, certain profiles had been made unavailable in China by the company. The U.S. tech company had to deal with it. If it didn't comply with the CCP in-country, it could cause damage to its business. People in other markets weren't happy that it was subject to state censorship. Microsoft's decision could be a turning point in China's ongoing digital decoupling story.
Microsoft today announced the end of its LinkedIn service for China. This announcement made waves in international, technology and regulatory domains. Due to regulatory pressure, certain profiles had been made unavailable in China by the company previously. The U.S. tech company had to deal with it. If it didn't comply with the CCP in-country, it could cause damage to its business. People in other markets weren't happy that it was subject to state censorship. Microsoft's decision could be a turning point in China's long-running story of digital decoupling. GitLabs IPO Prices Strongly, Soars: The DevOps unicorn raised its IPO price range to $77 per share. It then soared to over $90 during its first trading day. There are some important points to remember, besides the obvious holy hell response you may be having right now. Nobody knows what any thing is worth!
The DevOps unicorn was able to price above its IPO price range at $77 per share after raising it. It then soared to over $90 during its first trading day. There are some important points to remember, besides the obvious holy hell response you may be having right now. Nobody knows the value of anything! India's startup markets record-breaking Q3: While global venture capital results have been strong in the third quarter of 2013, India may have posted perhaps the most impressive set data for any country over the three-month period. TechCrunch analyzed the data with some investors to determine how long this party might last.
Today's startup news is more than any other source.
TechCrunch provides data on the cannabis startup market. It might be that the market is exploding, taking off or just shining brighter. The capital flowing in to startups that focus on marijuana is a joyous wave. It's likely to provide more than just a little relaxation. This is a great time to sell emotional resets in plant form.
Tala has just raised $145million to expand its lending services to new markets. Evolution Equity Partners has just raised $400 million to invest. Karma, an AI-focused shopping assistant, just raised $25 million in Series A. German Mayd has just raised a slew of large bills to accelerate drug delivery in Europe.
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TechCrunch+ is our membership program that helps founders and startups get ahead. Sign up here
Big Tech Inc.
Tinder wants you to avoid being single at your wedding. This is what I take to mean that Tinder's new feature will help you find a date. Because it won't be awkward nor fraught.
Tinder is introducing a new feature that will allow you to find a date. This I take as a sign that COVID is being reduced. Because it won't be awkward nor complicated. Roblox is targeting sophisticated avatars, NFTs. Any company that allows avatar customization will offer NFTs. There is a lot of potential for profit in this market. Roblox has told TechCrunch that it is interested in the game and is currently working on its graphics design.
Every gaming company that allows avatar customization will offer NFTs. There is a lot of potential revenue in this market. Roblox has revealed to TechCrunch that it is involved in the game and is currently working on its overall graphics design. WhatsApp rolls out encrypted chat backups
Today's privacy news is WhatsApp. The company is rolling out a new feature that allows its two billion users to encrypt chat history in iCloud and Google Drive. TechCrunch reports that this patches a critical loophole that could be exploited by the government. Twitter will now show more ads, which is less good news.
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