Do you really need to take notes when you could just take photos?
TikTok viral showing an iOS 15 student using Live Text to digitize and copy notes from a classmate has renewed interest in this often overlooked feature. iPhone users can use Live Text to take a picture of text and highlight it, then copy and paste it.
Although Apple officially announced Live Text in June, Live Text was not available until iOS 15.
Evidently, at least one French student took advantage of this opportunity immediately.
At work. Credit: screenshot: tiktok Zoom in. Credit: SCREENSHOT TIKTOK
After Juan Buis, a French writer, tweeted the video, it became viral on Twitter.
He wrote that students are beginning to steal notes from each other with iOS 15, and it's...kind of genius."
While we are unable to verify the authenticity of the video, Live Text is accurately depicted. We tested it on a photo of the computer screen from a distance. It worked.
Copy, paste. Credit: Image courtesy of twitter
While we recommend asking permission to another student before you copy their notes, the use of Live Text seems to be in line with our definition of "work smart, but not hard."
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This viral video may make it possible to find out if the student really took the notes.