People will always say that she is so large. But I try to be more descriptive. Although I understand what they mean, I don't want my daughter to misinterpret it.
Khloe spoke out about her methods for instilling body positivity and True in a new interview. She also touched on her personal relationship with food and body image. This photo is available on Instagram at @khloekardashian
Khlo, who previously spoke out about the unsettling scrutiny she faced over her body for many years, said that her way of staying healthy is to be mindful of her surroundings.
Khlo stated that I should think of it more as a lifestyle than a diet. I am so done with that stage of my life. Although it sounds cliché, mind, body and soul are all important. I feel physically incapable of doing what I want if I'm not mentally strong. It is not about my physical appearance.
The Keeping Up With the Kardashians actress spoke about how Instagram is both a blessing and a curse, and how she deals with negative comments about herself on the platform. This photo is available on Instagram at @khloekardashian
She said, "There have been so many days when I'm like I feel so badassy and good." "And then, my demeanor is going to be shot down because someone has posted a story about me or how I look. This photo is on Instagram Instagram: @khloekardashian
She continued, "It's strange because we know what the truth is about ourselves." Why let someone's words affect you? It does. When I was younger, it didn't. Normaly, you become titanium as you get older. Sometimes, I allow that stuff to get to me and have to actively drown it out.
Khloe opened up about her relationship with food in the past and admitted that she used to be an emotional eater. She also revealed that she used to almost punish herself for eating too much when she was younger. This photo is available on Instagram at @khloekardashian
She said that I have had an unhealthy relationship with food since childhood. When I was younger, and when I was sad, I would eat. I was an emotional eater. The way I felt afterwards was horrible. The way I felt after that was horrible.
She continued, "I had tried every diet possible." Remember Beyonc's lemon juice and cayenne pepper experiment? Remember when Beyonc did the lemon juice and cayenne pepper thing?
She said that I have many problems with food. She said that it wasn't due to one person. It was more about society and how others viewed my body. For example, I would say that this week, I will do one thing and cut out sugar. Maybe I would try it for a month. Then, I would try to include another healthy change.
Khlo spoke about her conscious effort to protect True after her long-standing struggle with body image. This photo is available on Instagram at @khloekardashian
Khlo stated that I don't play when True is involved. She is very tall. People will always tell her she's very tall. While I understand what they mean by that expression, I don't want my daughter to misunderstand it.
She said that she has been very tough and it is an amazing thing. While I don't want to force her to be this way, I try to tell her it's okay if she tears up or is upset.
Khlo's comments are months after Khlo shared her other parenting decisions, including the decision to educate True about race and "still educating [herself] simultaneously." This photo is available on Instagram at @khloekardashian
Khloe stated that she wants [True] exposed to as many inclusions and as many variety as possible. She shouldn't live in a bubble. We have a very privileged life. I want her to be exposed to all kinds of life.
She continued, "I know some people are uncomfortable talking to their children about race," They might think they live in a bubble. It's not necessary to mention that my child is Black. If you don't discuss race, you're setting them up for failure.
Khlo said that she and her sisters can have conversations about race because they are in the same position as their children. This photo is available on Instagram at @khloekardashian
She said that the beauty of having several of my sisters in the exact same situation is that we can have those conversations together.
Khloe's comments on race seem to reflect a shift in her view of the topic. She had previously received intense backlash three years ago for saying she doesn't see color as a response to racist comments made to True on Instagram. This photo was taken on Instagram by @khloekardashian
Khlo addressed the racist comments by posting a series of tweets in which she explained how she wanted to educate others and shared her perspective, which many of her fans initially praised. Although I don't like the fact that others can comment on my daughter's skin color, I will reply kindly and praise her for all she is. Please allow others to comment or defend your comments at @khloekardashian if you are brave enough to voice your harsh criticism.
After Khlo tweeted that she doesn't see color in her family, she was met with harsh criticism and advice from her fans about how to navigate the subject of race. @narcicismo Sometimes I try to imagine myself in their shoes. Instead of shame, I try to educate. We don't see color in our household. We see emotion, and we take action. We see love. We feed off energy Twitter: @khloekardashian
One person tweeted Khlo, "We don't see color". The world sees colors, but the racism that says lighter is better needs to change. True needs to know that she is a strong, beautiful, and intelligent woman of color. The world sees colors, but the racism that says lighter is better needs to be changed. She must be able to see that she is a strong, beautiful woman of color. Twitter: @Raycha_B
Tweet another. "If you don't see color, then you don't see your child," tweeted another. It is a fact that her skin color is a large part of who she is and what she will become. It will affect her in different ways and the world will view her differently. You have a responsibility to prepare her. @khloekardashian @narcicismo Color is what you see. It is a fact that her skin color is a large part of who she is and what she will become. It will affect how she is treated by the world and it is your duty to prepare her for that. Twitter: @Mali_I_am
Khlos's approach to racial justice seemed to change last summer when she posted an Instagram statement. This post was made just days after the initial revival of Black Lives Matter. This photo is available on Instagram at @khloekardashian
It breaks my heart that parents have to teach their children survival skills. Khlo stated that no mother should live in fear. I pledge to continue teaching my daughter, every day, how to love others regardless of their race, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.