Florida intends to make a digital identity app available to residents via the App Store by mid-November. According to Florida Politics, the state is also working with Apple to make digital IDs accessible in the Wallet app for the iPhone and Apple Watch.
Apple announced last month that the first U.S. States will allow residents to add their driver’s license or state ID into the Wallet app. These states include Arizona, Georgia and Connecticut as well as Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma and Oklahoma. Although Florida wasn't included on the list, this week's report states that the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of Florida has exchanged information with Apple to see if they are interested in becoming a partner.
Florida will offer a Smart ID app to residents in the interim, which can be used to prove their identity and age. According to the state, it will not replace a driver's license that must be carried for driving a car.
The Florida Smart ID website is:
After authenticating and downloading the Florida Smart ID app, Florida motorists can simply launch the app and select the verification type. The QR/barcode will be displayed on the smart device for scanning to verify. Florida Smart ID is a convenient and easy way to show proof of age or identity.
Apple claims that iOS 15 will support digital IDs in its Wallet app by "late 2021," but it is not clear when each state will adopt the feature. Apple last month confirmed that it is in talks with several more U.S. States to provide digital IDs in its Wallet app in the future. However, no timeline was given.
Apple announced that TSA security checkpoints at participating U.S. airports would be the first places where customers will be able to present their digital driver's licence or state ID through the Wallet app. According to Apple, the TSA and participating states will provide more details about when and where this feature will be available.
Residents will be able tap the plus sign in the Wallet app to add their driver's licence or ID. Then, they can simply tap their iPhone/Apple Watch on an identity reader at a TSA Checkpoint to access their card.
Apple claimed that the feature was designed to protect privacy and secure data. Customers will need to take a picture of themselves when adding a driver's licence or state ID card to the Wallet App. Apple claims that this photo will be securely sent to the issuing state for verification. Apple also stated that users will be asked to perform a series facial and head movements as part of the setup process.
Customers will be prompted to tap their iPhone or Apple Watch onto an identity reader. This prompt will display the requested information by the TSA. Apple claims that the requested information can only be released to customers after they have authorized Face ID or Touch ID. The company stated that users don't need to show their device or unlock it to be able to present their ID.
Apple stated that its implementation supports ISO 18013-5 standards, which establish clear privacy guidelines for the presentation of an ID via a mobile device.