People are asking lots of questions about the Herschel Walker campaign, "NOT A SWASTIKA" statement.
Walker is running for Senate in Georgia with a profile photo of himself shirtless from many years back. This was in response to a report in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution by Patricia Murphy, Greg Bluestein and Tia Mitchell about Walker's Twitter profile picture. It is an image clearly made of syringes.
Walkers campaign spokeswoman explained that it is clearly an anti-mandatory vaccine graphic and was notable for its honesty. Because it equates vaccines with the Nazi Party, it is clear that this graphic is anti-mandatory.
The spokeswoman said that Herschel strongly opposes all forms of anti-semitism. Walker was not meant to be a proponent of anti-Semitism or bigotry. Maybe it is necessary to explicitly state that a Republican candidate doesn't share the Nazi values.
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It's not that Viviano Langlais is a Nazi sympathizer. But to call vaccines Nazism is ridiculous. One hand, millions of lives were saved by a breakthrough medicine that helped fight malaria. The vaccine is often referred to as the Holocaust.
Walker's campaign should have addressed the problem of Walker's source of campaign funding, which was so outlandishly in line with reality. Instead, Walker's response was to be taken aback by anyone suggesting Walker is affiliated with Nazi values. This raises a lot of questions that are not addressed in the statement. He cancelled the Texas fundraiser with Viviano -Langlais, so he must have realized that he was losing this case in court of non-mouthbreathing general opinion. (PS: Her profile has been removed from the image.
Were we to believe that Walker suggested last November that certain states vote again for the presidency? Even though it was a plan to undermine our democracy, Walker suggested that this would preserve our democracy. How will Walker handle the situation if he loses his election? There are many questions.