Texas Governor. Late Monday, Greg Abbott, Texas Governor, issued an executive order prohibiting any state entity, including private businesses from requiring employees or customers to be vaccinated against covid-19. Curiously, however, the order doesn't apply to many other vaccines required for participation in society, such as the seven mandatory vaccines for Texas school children.
Recently, President Joe Biden announced that the covid-19 vaccine would soon be required for all employees of companies employing at least 100 workers. This order will be enforced by OSHA's existing workplace safety measures. It is not clear how the mandate will be implemented, particularly if it conflicts in any way with existing state orders like the one in Texas.
Only 51.9% are vaccinated against Covid-19 in Texas, which is well below the 56.8% national average. The number of cases is still alarmingly high with an average of 7,200 new cases per day. Covid-19 is killing approximately 241 Texas residents each day.
Gov. Republican Gov. Abbott released a statement stating that the covid-19 vaccines were safe and effective. He even went so far as to claim they are the best defense against the disease. However, his final statement completely negates all of the positive things he stated.
Gov. Abbott said that the covid-19 vaccine is effective and safe and should be used as a defense against the virus. However, it should not be forced and should remain voluntary. Abbott stated.
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That's right! Abbott acknowledges that vaccines are safe, but he also tacitly admits that they can end the pandemic. He gives a wink to his anti-vaccine base and pledges his loyalty. It is also loyalty to death and illness, coincidentally.
The executive order's full text is available here:
Any person, regardless of their religious beliefs or medical reason, cannot be forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in Texas. I hereby suspend all applicable statutes to the extent necessary for enforcement of this prohibition.
The vast majority of American workers love vaccine mandates. They don't want to work with selfish people who refuse to be vaccinated against covid-19. United Airlines actually saw an increase in job applications after mandating covid-19 vaccination for all employees. According to the New York Times, more than 20,000 people applied to become flight attendants in United Airlines for approximately 2,000 jobs. These rates are well above average.
Will Gov. Will Gov. We'll soon learn. Many Republicans had already promised to sue the feds for President Biden's mandates even before Monday night's Texas order was signed.
There is still time to get vaccinated if you aren't yet. The FDA approved a variety of covid-19 vaccines that are safe and effective. They also come at no cost. Get the shot, provided you are not among the small number of people who require a medical exemption due to severe allergic reactions. It is the only way to get out of this epidemic and continue living your life.