DC's new Superman will be revealed next month. The comics company announced that Jon Kent would be entering into a relationship with Jay Nakamura (a new character introduced earlier in the year).
Jon, the son of Clark Kent and Kal-El Superman, took over as the official Superman in DCs mainline Superman comic: Son of Kal El earlier this year. He is Earth's most powerful superhero. Clark is still alive and well, but he's busy with drama on Warworld in Action Comics, limited-run Superman, and the Authority lines.
Everybody needs heroes, and everyone should see themselves as their heroes.
I knew that Clark could be replaced by another straight-white savior, wrote Tom Taylor to IGN. But, I have always believed that everyone needs heroes and that everyone should see themselves as their heroes. Superman, the most powerful superhero on the planet today, is out.
Superman: Son Of Kal-El offers a modern interpretation of the character. Jon Kent's version of the hero will not only be up against supervillains, but also current issues such as climate change and school shootings.
DC doesn't shirk from Clark Kents romantic sagas: Jay, like Lois Lane (Jon's mother), is also a journalist, but Taylor suggested in the same IGN interview, that hell have superpowers that will allow him meet Superman on his level and not just as another person Jon can save.
Jon Kent is now joined by other prominent LGBTQ members DC's comics pantheon. This follows the revelation that Tim Drake, one of the Robins in Batman canon, was queer in an earlier August issue.
Jay and Jon are expected to be romantically involved in the next issue of Superman: The Son of Kal-El, which will be out November 9th.