At a Beijing registry office, a couple says their wedding vows. Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images
Nearly half of urban Chinese young women do not plan on getting married.
This was based on a survey of nearly 3,000 Chinese aged 18-26 that China's Communist Youth League conducted.
A third of the respondents also stated that they had never been in love.
There's almost a 50% chance that you are a young, urban-dwelling Chinese girl who doesn't intend to get married.
This is according to a survey conducted by the Communist Youth League on China's young urban population. This survey surveyed 2,905 young people aged between 18 and 26 living in Chinese cities. The survey found that 44% of respondents were not planning to marry, and a significant 25% of respondents who were males said the same.
34% of the Chinese Gen Z-ers surveyed said they don't have the time or energy for marriage. 60.8% of Chinese Gen Z-ers surveyed said that they find it difficult to find the right person.
Participants also mentioned other reasons they didn't want to marry, such as the financial cost of marriage or the economic burden of having kids. One third of respondents said that they didn't believe in marriage and another third said that they were not in love.
These survey results are bad news for China, which attempted to implement new policies this year to increase its birthrate. After a cooling-off law was implemented, the country saw a 70% drop of divorce rates in the first quarter 2021. This law required that local authorities wait one year before approving divorces. This law was created to discourage impulsive divorces and boost China's declining birthrate.
China launched a new policy for three children in May. This replaces the previous ban that prohibited more than two children per couple. China's two-child policy was scrapped for the second time in five year. The Chinese government reversed the one-child policy that was in place since 1979 to curb the country's population explosion.
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After reports that China had experienced its slowest rate of population growth since 1950s, this landmark shift in China’s population policy was made. These numbers were revealed by the once-in-a decade population census. It noted that China's average annual growth rate for the Chinese population fell to 0.53% in the last ten year, compared with 0.57% between 2000-2010.
Insider spoke to millennials in China in June and they said that the three child policy would not have the desired effect. Insider spoke to them about how the high cost of raising children and their fast-paced lifestyles (9-9-6), where people work 12 hours per day, seven days a week, was what discouraged them from starting families.
China's total population stands at 1.41billion people. However, Reuters reported that China missed a 2016 target to reach 1.42billion people by 2020.
Insider has the original article.