One of the realities of the film industry being centered around similar hubs is that there are often overlaps between projects during filming. However, it is quite strange when such a crossover ends up in the final film.
Let There Be Carnage, Andy Serkis sequel to Venom, is a good example. A few helicopters can be seen flying behind the actors in the scene where Eddie and the titular symbiote are slinking off into the San Francisco night. This leaves the audience to believe that they are searching for Venom or Eddie. They were just caught by crew members during filming of the scene... and may have been looking for Neo and Trinity, instead of Let There Be Carnages hero pair.
Filming was affected by many things. Many of our driving shots were lost because Matrix controlled downtown. Venoms' location manager Christopher Kusiak spoke to Screenrant about the film's difficulties while filming in San Francisco where Lana Wachowskis much-anticipated return to the Matrix universe was simultaneously being shot. Because we couldn't reach the areas we wanted due to The Matrix, we ended up moving one of our stunts up onto the roof of the parking garage. It could have gone the other direction if we had been there first.
This included, unintentionally, filming a little bit of Matrix Resurrections in the background of Let There Be Carnage. Kusiek explained that the helicopters were actually part of the Matrix movie. We were able to capture a portion of the Matrix's activity on camera because they were filming simultaneously.
We will have to wait until December's release of Resurrections to find out if the helicopters are in the film or if they were just there for the shoot. If so, it is probably not the first thing to come to mind when Venom asks Venom: Let There Be Carnage for a big, crazy movie crossover. There are many.
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