Texas Governor. Greg Abbott signed an executive decree prohibiting entities from requiring COVID-19 vaccinations.
Private businesses would also be affected by Abbott's order.
Abbott calls on the state legislature for a similar law.
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On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order prohibiting any entity, including private businesses, from issuing COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Greg Abbott prohibited any entity from issuing COVID-19 mandates, even private companies, in an executive order on Monday.
Abbott stated in the order that no Texas entity can force a person to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.
Abbott also asked the Texas legislature for a ban on COVID-19 mandates.
Abbott, who was vaccinated himself, stated that the vaccines were safe and encouraged anyone who is eligible to receive them, but it should be voluntary.
According to The Texas Tribune, a previous executive order had prohibited government agencies, counties, and school district from imposing COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
According to the Associated Press, Monday's executive orders comes at a time when President Joe Biden's administration will likely issue rules requiring that businesses employing more than 100 people receive COVID-19 vaccine or undergo weekly testing.
Abbott stated in the order, "In yet another instance federal government overreach the Biden Administration is now bullying numerous private entities into imposing COVID-19 vaccination mandates, causing workforce disruptions which threaten Texas's continued recovery after the COVID-19 catastrophe."
CBS News reported that several Texas-based companies, including major carriers like Southwest Airlines and American Airlines, said they would abide by Biden’s mandate.
After a series of anti-vaccine and anti-mask measures that Abbott imposed throughout the pandemic, the executive order is now in effect. Abbott has already banned the use of masks and required documentation to prove that someone was vaccinated.
According to state data, close to 63% are fully vaccinated compared to 66% in the rest of the country. According to The New York Times database as of Monday, there were 7,571 cases per day and 251 deaths per day.
According to Becker’s Hospital Review, Texas ranks among the top 10 states that have the highest death rates per 100,000 inhabitants.