According to the executive order signed Monday night by Gov. Rick Perry, no Texas entity, not even private businesses, can require coronavirus vaccinations. Greg Abbot.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott talks with Donald Trump at a briefing about hurricane... [+] relief efforts. It took place in Dallas, Texas on October 25, 2017. AFP via Getty Images
The Key Facts
According to an Abbotts office statement, the executive order applies to customers and employees who object for any reason of conscience to the coronavirus vaccination. People who refuse to be vaccinated due to religious or medical reasons, as well as previous coronavirus infection, are also exempt from the ban on vaccine mandates. Noncompliance can result in a $1,000 fine. Abbott added vaccine mandates to the Texas legislature's agenda, encouraging legislators to adopt a similar law. This order is being made amid controversy surrounding mass Southwest Airlines flight cancellations in Dallas. Texas Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz blame the vaccine mandate of the company. Employees are believed to have resisted it.
Important Quote
Abbott stated Monday that the COVID-19 vaccine was safe, effective and our best defense against this virus. However, it should be voluntary and not forced.
Montana was the first to ban mandates for coronavirus vaccines for private employers. This was deemed discriminatory.
Important Background
Monday's executive order goes further than the August order Abbott signed, which prohibited government agencies from mandating coronavirus vaccinations. This includes public schools, universities, and public schools. Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Abbott has stood firm against mandates for vaccines and masks. In April, he signed an executive order opposing vaccine passports. He tested positive for coronavirus in August amid a spike in new cases and hospitalizations. He attributes his rapid recovery and mild illness to having been fully vaccinated. Nearly 52% are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus in Texas, which is slightly less than the 57% national average.
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Gov. Greg Abbott Tests Positive for Covid as Cases, Hospitalizations Surge in Texas (Forbes).